Tuesday 29 May 2012

Communication between us

Have you guys ever wonder how does dog understands our words?
It all depends on how we communicate with our buddy(Dog).
For example:
Dogs in a Chinese family understands Mandarin and probably English.
But what about dogs living in a Korean family?
Do they understand Chinese or English?
Nah, or rather, they understand Korean language, as the family communicates with them in Korean language.
Hence, constant and patient communication is important.

Dog's Vocabulary 
Basic words that most dogs understand:
- Sit
- Fetch
- Shake Hand
- Toy
Interestingly, Stanley Coren, a psychologist who has researched on dog's intelligence, suggests that average trained dogs understand about 160 words [source: Coren].
Stanley Coren even provided an additional link to Dog IQ Test, determining dog's IQ.

So is it true that dogs understand words?
Some might say yes, but the answer is dogs actually decipher our words from our sound, tones and body language.
Just like we're talking on the phone, they do not exactly understand our conversation.

Dog's Body Language
What about dogs body language?
How do we know if dogs are happy, angry, protective, sad and etc?

The above images are able to answer the question.
Not 100% true but it is sure interesting!

Monday 21 May 2012


Light Sleeping
Dogs are a good example of light sleeper

They are able to sleep at any time, no matter whether it's after having their meal or after their potty or after playtime, they are able to just lie down, close their eyes and off to dreamland.
However, with the slightest sound such as footsteps of neighbor at the corridor, they will be awaken.
Attentive animals like them, their hearing is sharp and accurate.

Sleeping Hot Spots
Corners and under table/bed/chairs and etc are their favourite sleeping spots.
I believe it is to give them a sense of security.

So.... What is the best sleeping position for them?
Answer: It is to sleep on their back, exposing their stomach.
As dogs sweat through the pads on their paw, so exposing the stomach, which is less covered with fur and more skin exposed, can provide a comfortable cool-down when temperature increases.

I shall end this post with a funny video of this dog's sleeping position!
Hope it will bring a smile to you! =)

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Introduction to Dog Behavioral Pattern

Dogs behavioral pattern basically refers to the collection of behaviors that dogs have.
As an owner myself, i would often wonder why does my dog behave like this and that, what exactly is the message that they are trying to tell us.

Basics of dog behavior:
1. Chewing
2. Jumping
3. Digging
4. Barking
5. Biting
6. Growling

Honestly speaking, all these basics behaviors really do test my patience to it. 
Especially them barking, whenever there's a stranger at the doorsteps or rings from the telephone.
However, we can't deny that dogs are very adorable pets.

Little things they do would often amaze us and we praise them for the slightest things, such as shaking of hands, sitting down and etc.

Wagging of tail

They welcome us home by wagging their tail. 
Wagging of tail is another dog behavior.
Wagging of tail may mean happiness, but also, the science behind it is dogs use their tails to communicate strong emotions such as annoyance, agitation and happiness.

Therefore, it is important to observe their facial muscles and etc to interpret which emotion are they implying in exact.

I shall end this post with a video[Source] on Reading Dog Behavior.Dog Whisperer: Hounded by Fear